La collezione in bamboo e cotone è stata creata per regalare alla nostra pelle una morbidezza straordinaria. Il bamboo è una fibra che ama la pelle ma anche la natura.
Il tessuto incontra la poesia
I teli ricamati con i versi delle più belle poesie nascono dalla voglia di imprimere sul tessuto pensieri poestici legati all’amore, al viaggio e all’amicizia. Un’idea regalo personalizzata e unica.
Nar Peshtemal is not just a business project, it is a bridge between East and West, a meeting point between craftsmanship, creativity and quality
Angela Di Donna
In the summer I supplied my whole family with beautiful beach towels that everyone envied. Then I made myself a gift too: the caftan in bamboo, with a very soft fabric and a very chic model!
Linda Coppitz
The sofa cover / bedspread has a fabric that pampers you, and is really very soft! You feel it is of high quality. My favorite gift idea!
With smartworking and all the rest, obviously clothingIndoor has had an exponential growth and the dressing gown has made a comeback, in a new version, with trendy fabrics and colors. The New York Times dedicated an entire article to this new trend by interviewing ordinary citizens who have all expressed their new passion for this garment capable of giving comfort and elegance to the home. But what has certainly made a significant contribution to the increase in interest in this product are the American celebrities who, with their shots shared on social media with dressing gowns in the most disparate colors, fabrics and models, have launched a real fashion. In this way, the idea of grandfather's checkered robe happily gives way to an indoor item of clothing, not only comfortable but also chic.
The circumstances of this year have inevitably led us to live and coexist with the spaces of our home and this pushes us to question our wardrobe! The new trend ofIndoor Fashion, has likethe key word is comfort but accompanied by a search for style, new designs and particular colors that can give elegance even in everyday moments at home.a. The first step will be to replace the old bathrobe and towels with new patterns and colors, perhaps printed by hand. It should also be borne in mind that a dressing gown with quality fabric, an interesting design and trendy colors can now take the place of the famous "grandfather's" dressing gown!
In short, theIndoor Fashionit is a trend that will have increasingly followed because everyone likes the idea of being beautiful and comfortable at home, without exception!
In recent years, thanks to the increase in awareness of environmental problems, in the field of fashion the attention is increasingly turned towards sustainable fabrics such as natural bamboo fiber. Wearing a bamboo bathrobe, dressing gown or kimono gives a softer and more breathable effect on the skin thanks to its ability to absorb moisture and sweat, giving freshness for a long time and removing bad odors. Thanks to its eco-friendly nature and its properties, bamboo, in a perspective of sustainability and quality, it has all the characteristics to become the fiber of the future!
The hammam is not only an environment dedicated to the care of one's body but also of the mind, it is a place where time stops, worries disappear, everything is accompanied by slow movements and muffled sounds. One of the most characterizing elements of this moment of well-being is the light cotton towel, the peshtemal, born with a very essential design but over the yearshas taken on an increasingly sophisticated style. Thanks to its lightness and practicality and its natural fiber fabric that guarantees absorbency, it still remains the icon of the hammam today.